Sunday, 23 January 2011

The GazettE - Leech Booklet

As always, the photos are copyright of the magazine, the photographer and aren't mine nor do I profit from them =].


  1. Thanks soooo much for posting >D

    Izapon is the best. EVER.

    Ruki looks amazing wack and hot with that do... a straightened Asian Afro! LOL. And are those meant to be siggies at the bottom? Cos I think I just found another reason why Rukipon is the best ever 8D

    Thank you thank you, Izapooonnn~~ When I get rich enough I'll go buy these on my own instead of mooching off ya ;D

  2. This is great. I want this. I have no idea if it's rare or if the signatures are real, but it would be so amazing if it was rare/sigs were real. Man, I want.
